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Calcium and sodium currents are routinely measured in voltage-clamp using the patch clamp technique. We developed several original approaches to measure fast calcium and sodium currents beyond the limitations of the patch clamp technique. We use these method to investigate the physiological role and function of voltage-gated calcium channels expressed in the dendrites and axons of several types of neurons in the rodent nervous system, but also to investigate channelopathies associated with channels in order to develop novel therapeutic approaches.

Optical measurements of dentritic calcium currents


Purkinje neuron with two input indicated: 1. the climbing fibre; 2. the parallel fibers. The concomitant activation of the two inputs (1+2) triggers a supralinear calcium signal by amplification of the calcium influx via T-type calcium channels.



Our team is exploring the role and function of voltage-gated ion channels expressed in neuronal dendrites, axons and synaptic spines. We investigate different neurons in various areas of the brain. 


Our research activity is carried on in collaboration with other scientists within the Labex  ICST or outside this consortium.


A partial list of our current collaborators includes:




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