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Marco CANEPARI (INSERM Researcher, b. Milan, Italy, 1970)

contact: marco.canepari[at]

Laila Ananda BLÖMER (postdoc and former PhD student)
contact: laila.blomer[at]

ABBAS (PhD student)
contact: fatima.abbas1[at]

Former members of the team:

Luiza Filipis (PhD student and postdoc)
Karima Ait Ouares (PhD student and postdoc)

Nadia Jaafari (postdoctoral scientist)

Elodie Marret (Engineer)


The team Neuron Imaging & Calcium Channel belongs to the French consortium “Ion Channels Science and Therapeutics”, which started its activity in 2012, and it will continue beyond the end of the contract currently scheduled in 2025. The team is located at the Laboratory of Interdisciplinary Physics (LIPhy) of the Grenoble University.

Grenoble is a major scientific and university center in the Alpes, allowing interdisciplinary work on physics and biology. Along many years of work on research and development, the team took advantage of this context to develop partnership with institutes and industries and successfully performed several projects. The team is led by Marco Canepari.

Trained as a physicist at the University of Genoa, Marco Canepari obtained a PhD in biophysics from the International School of Advanced Studies (Trieste) in 1999. During my career, I worked at the National Institute for Medical Research (London), at the Yale University School of Medicine and at the Biozentrum of the University of Basel. Since 2010 I am Inserm permanent researcher in Grenoble. He is an international leader in optical techniques applied to neurophysiology and author of over 70 peer-reviewed articles in prestigious international journals. 

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